Hello, my name is Pedro Soares and I am a full-stack developer with 0 years of experience. I enjoy building APIs and Websites. My focus is Node, PostgreSQL and Next.
About me
My favorite part of programming is the problem-solving aspect. I love the feeling of finally figuring out a solution to a problem. I am also advocate of readable and maintainable code! My core stack is Node.js, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, C# and Next.js. I am also familiar with Docker, Prisma and Java. I am always looking to improve my knowledge on the technologies I work with but also learn new technologies.
When I'm not coding, I enjoy playing with my pets, playing guitar, watching movies and TV shows and playing video games. I also enjoy learning new things. I am currently learning and training Padel.
My projects
NCS internal products
Jul 2023 - present
Requirements gathering, planning, development of an API, serverless functions, a Database, a BackOffice and Website, deployment and team leading.
- Node
- TypeScript
- Fastify
- Zod
- Prisma
- PostgreSQL
- Supabase
- Digital Ocean
- Docker
- Elasticsearch
- Kibana
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- Next
- Tailwind
- ShadCN
Nov 2022 - Feb 2023
https://www.gocartours.comRequirements gathering, planning, development and deployment of a BackOffice, a Website and multiple APIs to serve multiple clients including a mobile app.
- React
- TypeScript
- Zod
- TanStack query
- .NET
- C#
- PostgreSQL
- Supabase
- Docker
- Elasticsearch
- Kibana
Oct 2022 - present
https://savndo.comRequirements gathering, planning, development and deployment of a BackOffice and serverless functions to serve both the BackOffice and a mobile app.
- Angular
- TypeScript
- Node
- Firebase
Oct 2022 - present
https://spinachtours.comRequirements gathering, planning, development and deployment of a BackOffice and serverless functions to serve both the BackOffice and a tablet app.
- Angular
- TypeScript
- Node
- Firebase
- Zod
- Prisma
- PostgreSQL
Mar 2022 - Sep 2022
https://eviivo.comMigrate .NET framework 4.5, 4.6 and 4.8 projects to .NET Core 6. Helping with technical and functional documentation.
- .NET Core
- .NET Framework
- C#
- SQL Server
- RabbitMQ
May 2021 - Jan 2022
https://www.dreamlines.deRequirements gathering, software architecture planning, refactors and bugfixing.
- .NET Core
- C#
- PostgreSQL
- Couchbase
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Kafka
- Prometheus
- Node
- Angular
- Python
Banco Crédito Agrícola
Nov 2020 - Apr 2021
https://www.creditoagricola.ptRequirements gathering, mentoring, planning and creation and management of a credit card workflow integrated with other loan workflows.
- .NET Framework
- ASP.NET Web Forms
- C#
- SQL Server
Banco Montepio
Nov 2019 - May 2021
https://www.bancomontepio.ptRequirements gathering, mentoring, planning and creation of a user customer journey web interface for credit cards, personal loans and home loans, all of them integrated with CRM and Google Tag Manager.
- .NET Framework
- C#
- SQL Server
- Angular
ITSCREDIT products
Aug 2019 - May 2021
https://www.itscredit.com/platformDevelop new product features, database model management, ORM and DTO creation, add REST api routes, and UI Creation of data warehouse, algorithm and tasks to create statistical data.
- .NET Framework
- C#
- SQL Server
- Angular
Banco BNI Europa
Jan 2018 - Jul 2019
https://bnieuropa.ptPublic portal that allows client registration, simulation and credit request. Backoffice to allow the creation and management of proposals from clients or banking entities. Flow of customer creation, contracting, risk analysis, decision, disbursement, repayment and collections. Also responsible to implement and deliver credit cards integration.
- .NET Framework
- ASP.NET Web Forms
- C#
- SQL Server
Standard Bank
Sep 2014 - Sep 2018
https://www.standardbank.co.zaApplication of credit simulation, creation and management of proposals from clients or banking entities. Flow of customer creation, contracting, risk analysis, decision, disbursement, repayment and collections.
- .NET Framework
- Visual Basic
- JQuery
- ASP.NET Web Forms
- C#
- SQL Server
My skills
- Node
- Zod
- Prisma
- Java
- Python
- C#
- Dotnet Core
- Entity Framework
- Dapper
- PostgreSQL
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Next
- Angular
- Tailwind
- Supabase
- Firebase
- Docker
- ElasticSearch + Kibana
- Prometheus + Grafana
- DevOps
- Unit tests
- Git
My experience
Full-Stack Developer
NCS IT Solutions
I'm now working at NCS as a Full-Stack developer. My stack includes Node, TypeScript, Zod, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Docker, React, Next.js, Angular, TypeScript and Tailwind. I also trained 1 trainee, lead multiple teams across multiple projects and set up the basis for multiple company's internal products.
2022 - presentFull-Stack Developer
craftable software
I worked as a Full-Stack developer for 1,5 years. My main focus was on the proprietary CMS and package-managing solutions. Main challenges involved maintaining and evolving and eventually consistent solution accommodating complex business flows and ensuring strict latency requirements. I also trained 4 trainees and set up the basis for 2 of the company's internal products.
2021 - 2022Full-Stack Developer
I worked as a full-Stack developer for 3 years. I also lead multiple teams across multiple projects.
2018 - 2021Full-Stack Developer
I worked as a full-Stack developer for 4 years. I also lead multiple teams across multiple projects.
2014 - 2018Graduation
Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique
I graduated in the University and I've completed the bachelor's degree in Information Technologies and Systems in 3 years. I immediately found a job as a full-stack developer.
2011 - 2014Contact me
Please contact me directly at pncsoares@gmail.com or through this form.